Wednesday 13 January 2010

The 12 Glorious Videos Of Christmas...

Bonjour and yuletide greetings to you all...Tis Christmas Eve, only one more sleep to present-time and in celebration of this, the best holiday of the entire year, I hereby present some little festive vittels, or nuggets if you will, to celebrate this glorious time of year...
So here it 12 Videos of Christmas...
12. The Coco Cola Advert in all its incarnations...
Nowt says Christmas like Coca Cola, and in recent years it has become the signal for the beginning of the yuletide season. Now the Coke lorries are all very well, but it is this batch of ads from the nineties I reckon, that I still sing to this very day I tell thee. Plus it lacks the presence of some ever so slightly creepy Santa that has followed the same girl for years and then moves on to her daughter...Yeah Santa, I gots my eye on you... - I'm just putting the link because Blogger's being a cock and won't let me upload it...:[
11. Santa ain't got no need for no sleigh...
Well how did you think he managed to fit down the chimney? There is no way his protruding pie and whisky filled gut would squeeze in, and so I think you'll agree that the most logical conclusion to draw here, is that Santa Claus is an excellent free-runner...

10.Reindeer Eating Magic Mushrooms - *Insert designated drug-derived 'flying' joke e.g. Well they do fly high!...Haaaaaa :[*
I like the BBC's use of the 'psychedelic' camera work here i.e..."Right, we'll just make it a bit woozy, so that it makes the viewer feel like they're trying on someone else's glasses...just enough for them to feel a bit sick"I, but not like 60's fluorescent, acid psychedelic cos you know, its the BBC, they're not meant to know what that's like. I would also like to know what the reindeer see when their off their tits. I bet its awesome. I can imagine it being something to do with catching Santa in a compromising position...

Again, Blogger is being a penis and won't let me upload the vid, so here's la link -
9. A Christmas Greeting from Smosh...
Mmmm I love Smosh. I wish I could spend my day dicking about with my comrades all day and make some moolah from it. I mean, that is what I do all day but you know, no-one sees it. Anyway here's Ian and Anthony's Yuletide greeting from last year...Yo dat shit is off da hooooooooooooooooook!

8. Father Christmas, Raymond Briggs stylee...
I love this...I love hard man, I love it more than The Snowman. Yeah I said it...And Mel Smith did the voice I think which makes it even better. So yeah, not much else to be said...

7. Jack Skellington's Yuletime Funzies...
Ahhh...the gloriousness that is Tim Burton's vision of Christmas. This is mainly in here because I currently love anything associated with Danny Elfman...the man is a God. Anyway, Christmas isn't Christmas without this...Jack's first experience of the wonders of big JC's birthday...
6. Harry Hill's Christmas Observations...
Here's Dr Hill on TV Burp, featuring JLS's cover of 'Last Christmas' on last year's X Factor final. When I watched the live final, and little JB had his big moment, I pretty much creased myself. Here it is in all its glory...
5. 'My name is Aled Jones, I like to pick my nose, I doooooo...I like to pick my bum, especially with my thumb...awoooo..."
Having stated my case for my love of 'Father Christmas' above all else, it really isn't Christmas without 'The Snowman' and Peter Auty's pre-pubescent tones...

4. A very tasteful lighting display...
I hope when I am older and disgustingly rich, that I love Jeebus and Xmas time so much that I do this...
3.'What time is it Eccles?'
Ahhh The Goon Show. There isn't much to say really except that the combination of Harry Secombe, Spike Milligan and Peter Sellers only allows for hilarity. Here's a little festive nugget from the trio...
2. "It's..."
I hope this is what Heaven is like...

Well I thought it would be nicely topical to end with this year's Christmas Number 1. I feel a bit bad, because I did vote for Joe, and it is a little bit of a shame. But then again I voted for Alexandra last year, and followed it up by buying 4 copies of Jeff Buckley's 'Hallelujah'. Whatevs...I'll take Rage any day of the year, so here it be in all it's glory....

So there you go...a small festive picnic for everyone...If only Blogger would have let me upload all the videos...Alas it was not too be. Indeed it took me so long to upload the few that are on here, that it is now officially Christmas...

Therefore I shall bid you farewell. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Toodle pip!

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