Wednesday 13 January 2010

Return of Mind-Vom...Return of Post Numero Uno (from November '09)

Disclaimer - After much reshuffling, transferring Mind-Vom over to Wordpress, and changing this site to a new blog, then deciding I didn't like Wordpress, then having to deal with Meta-tags...I have now returned Mind-Vom to it's original home...So here, once again, are the original Mind-Vom Posts back once again...

So...first post...

I've had this account for how long now? And in that time I've basically been thinking what to write about. I've come up with pretty much nowt. So I have made an executive decision to just start typing and hope that something sufficient pops out.

Well, currently in my life right now it is the hallowed half-term week, joy! So I have made my own Tolkien-esque journey back to the Shire. And by Shire I mean Aberdeenshire, and by Tolkien-esque I mean in terms of length, and not means, (I got back on the Megabus, instead of trawling for miles accompanied by a gardner and suspicious looking gents on horses).

So have come home and reckon I deserve a break after the barrage of filming I've had to do over the last couple of weeks. Full days of dragging cameras and tripods and booms up to the castle, up to the Wallace Monument and round bastard town has someone taken its toll. Some of it was pretty shweet though, like filming a time-lapse of the sunset from the monument.

Anyhoozle, back in Huntly now, tis Sunday night and I'm attempting to amuse myself. It is not going well. Half-expecting a call to be summoned to come and watch the Xfactor result show. Fuck yeah. Actually, that sounds like I'm being sarcastic, but I ain't. I bloody love Xfactor. I love that is trash tv and that they try to pretend it's still a talent contest and not just entertainment fodder. And I love Simon Cowell. 'Cause he's always right.

Or, equally I could be incredibly media-savvy/hip and cyber-modern and take part in the Fry's Pub Quiz on Twitter, seeing as I'm missing my real-life one this evening. For those of you who don't know, Edna Fry (Stephen Fry's long-suffering wife and mother to his children, follow her @MrsStephenFry or @FryQquiz to take part) holds a pub quiz on Twitter every Sunday night at 8pm, with the Grand Final taking place in November. I only just discovered it really, and I can safely say, I've not done well.

There's another slight problem with Twitter in that it plays to my dream that all the celebs that I follow might one day be my friend. Every night I tweet Peter Serafinowicz with a word that he can make a joke from, and not once has it happened. I tweeted Edgar Wright the other day saying how I almost referenced 'Spaced' in a tutorial about Freudian psyco-analysis and 3rd Wave Feminism, because at one point I decided that Mike wanting to rejoin the TA was relevant, but got no reply. Ah well, I'm sure one day they'll realise what a talent and wonderful friend I would be.

No really, in all honesty I have come to somewhat love Twitter, having first thought 'twas a bit shit. Really I like it just for the comedy value. To name but a few -Chris Addison, Simon Pegg, Edgar Wright, Nick Frost, Peter Serafinowicz, Derren Brown and Graham Linehan are all utterly hilarious.

...went off on somewhat of a tangent there, attempting to make it look like I had real opinions and viewpoints on things, when I don't really. Anyway, the call has come through so I'm off to see who's getting booted off of Sex Factor. Hopefully the next post I do might be worth reading...

Boi Boi


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