Wednesday 13 January 2010

A Final Farewell to 2009...(from 31/12/09)

Greetings to all...

And so 2009 is drawing to a close. I had planned on doing a very long review of the year, much like everyone else's to be honest. Celebrity deaths - 2009 was not a good year for the celebs, the Bernie Madoff Scandal, Barack Obama's innauguration and Nobel Peace Prize win, big film releases etc etc. That was what I had planned to do here, along with a few of my own personal highlights. But alas, now there is no time, for I have the traditional Huntly New Year's Eve Ceilidh to prepare for, (All the town's supposedly upstanding citizens/all my friend's parents, my parentals and me, all getting rat-arsed to Ceilidh music-Hells to the yeah). Also, I can't really be bothered. So instead I have decided to summarize 2009 in a list instead. So here it rundown of 2009:-

Barack Obama being just generally the SHIZ, Jade Goody's grim media coverage, Swine Flu and all the jokes that came from it, Bernie Madoff's life going down the pan, The Mighty Boosh live in the Deen, my disasterous Radia Production module culminating in spending 38 hours at uni with no sleep attempting to make sentences, quitting HMV at long last, spending too long in the flat by myself, EUROTRIP ROLL OUT, Big Beers, using the word 'big' as a unit of measurement, summer at home, LIVING LIKE ITS 2006 (which I'm carrying to 2010), going stir crazy in the flat, a wonderful year for cinema in the forms of Watchmen, Star Trek, New Moon (as a guilty pleasure), Dorian Grey, Wolverine, Terminator Salvation, Paranormal Activity, Up and the magnificent Avatar,gratuitous cake day, a year of re-discovery - The Thick of It, Incubus, Spaced, Dark Crystal, anything by Mel Brooks, and the glorious ADAM AND JOE who have become the sound-track for my uni travels, new music discoveries (for me anyway) - Oingo Boingo, School of Seven Bells, Wild Beasts, Regina Spektor, Laura Marling and Fleet Foxes, TV Feature Production - it almost ended moi..., Facebook taking up the whole of my life, Twitter taking up even more, Rage Against the Xfactor, the eternal power struggle between the Eagle, the Hawk, the Osprey and the overlord - the Owl, Whisky, Port, Cheese, Champagne, Profiteroles and Cigars days being poorer than ever before, the best winter in years (that has continued up until now and hopefully beyond), Board Game day...and every hilarious moment I have shared in over the year.

2009- 'Twas awrite. 

So I now bid 2009 a fond farewell, and hope for even better things in 2010. Except that I need to find a job, and work experience, and then I have to graduate, and then I have to find a real job, and be a grown-up....

Fuck it. Screw you 2010, I'm staying in 2009.

R.I.P  The Rev  \m/

Happy New Year's to all...see you next year...:D

Good Bike xxx

P.S. Hope you're New Year's is better than Adolf's. He was soooo looking forward to Eric Prydz...

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